
Soybean Sauce Chinese

High-quality soybean sauce Chinese focuses on the balance of “颜色, aroma, taste and body”. Good soybean sauce Chinese is reddish-brown or dark brown in color, clear and translucent; has a rich but not pungent aroma, with the mellow aroma of natural fermentation; is delicious, salty and sweet, with a long aftertaste; is moderately viscous and has good wall-hanging properties. High-quality soybean sauce Chinese usually uses traditional brewing techniques without adding artificial colors or preservatives, making it healthier and more natural.

Soybean sauce Chinese, as an indispensable traditional condiment in Eastern cooking, has a long history and rich cultural connotations. With its unique flavor, color and nutritional value, it has become a key element in enhancing the taste of dishes.

Basic formula and production process

Traditional soybean sauce Chinese is mainly made from non-GMO soybeans (or black beans), wheat (or bran), salt and water through fermentation. Its basic production process includes:

  1. Material selection and soaking: Select high-quality soybeans and wheat and soak them thoroughly to soften them.
  2. Steaming: Steam the soaked raw materials to facilitate microbial decomposition.
  3. Making koji: Mix the cooked raw materials, inoculate them with specific molds, and perform solid-state fermentation to form koji.
  4. Fermentation: Mix the koji with salt water and ferment it for a long time at a specific temperature, which usually takes several months to a year. This process produces the unique flavor and color of soybean sauce Chinese.
  5. Pressing: After fermentation is completed, the soybean sauce Chinese liquid is separated by pressing.
  6. Maturation: Some soybean sauce Chinese will undergo a further aging process to make the taste more mellow.

Various uses

Soybean sauce Chinese?not only adds color to food, but also gives it a layered texture and flavor. It has a wide range of uses, including but not limited to:

  • Seasoning and flavoring: directly used in stir-fries, stews, cold dishes, 等. to increase the freshness and aroma of dishes.
  • Pickled ingredients: Used as a marinade, it can penetrate deep into the ingredients and enhance the flavor.
  • 蘸酱: Use it with seafood, barbecue, 等. as a dipping sauce to make it fresh and relieve greasiness.
  • Prepare sauces: As a basic seasoning, mix with other condiments to make a variety of sauces.

Contact us

If you want to know more about soybean sauce Chinese, including the characteristics of different types of soybean sauce Chinese, how to choose high-quality soybean sauce Chinese, or to discuss cooperation opportunities, please feel free to contact us through the following methods:

  1. Official website: limintiaoliao.com
  2. Customer service hotline: 86+16600676213
  3. 电子邮件: 13512904802@139.com

We are committed to providing the highest quality soybean sauce Chinese?products and considerate service, and look forward to exploring the world of gourmet food with you.

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