
Hot soybean sauce

High-quality hot soybean sauce focuses on the balance of “颜色, aroma, taste and body”. Good hot soybean sauce is reddish-brown or dark brown in color, clear and translucent; has a rich but not pungent aroma, with the mellow aroma of natural fermentation; is delicious, salty and sweet, with a long aftertaste; is moderately viscous and has good wall-hanging properties. High-quality hot soybean sauce usually uses traditional brewing techniques without adding artificial colors or preservatives, making it healthier and more natural.

Hot soybean sauce, as an indispensable traditional condiment in Eastern cooking, has a long history and rich cultural connotations. With its unique flavor, color and nutritional value, it has become a key element in enhancing the taste of dishes.


Traditional hot soybean sauce?主要由非基因大豆制成 (或黑豆), 小麦 (或麸皮), 盐和水通过发酵. 它的基本生产过程包括:

  1. 材料选择和浸泡: 选择高质量的大豆和小麦,然后彻底浸泡它们以使它们变软.
  2. 蒸: 将浸泡的原材料蒸发以促进微生物分解.
  3. 制作: 混合煮熟的原材料, 用特定模具接种它们, 并执行固态发酵以形成koji.
  4. 发酵: 在特定温度下将koji与盐水混合长时间发酵, 通常需要几个月到一年. This process produces the unique flavor and color of hot soybean sauce.
  5. 紧迫: 发酵完成后, the hot soybean sauceliquid is separated by pressing.
  6. 成熟: Some hot soybean saucewill undergo a further aging process to make the taste more mellow.


Hot soybean sauce?不仅为食物添加颜色, 但也给它带来了分层的质地和风味. 它有多种用途, 包括但不限于:

  • 调味和调味料: 直接用于炒菜, 炖菜, 冷盘, 等. 增加菜肴的新鲜度和香气.
  • 腌料: 用作腌料, 它可以深入成分并增强风味.
  • 蘸酱: 与海鲜一起使用, 烧烤, 等. 作为一种蘸酱,使其新鲜并减轻油腻感.
  • 准备调味料: 作为基本调味料, 与其他调味品混合以制成各种调味料.


If you want to know more about hot soybean sauce, including the characteristics of different types of hot soybean sauce, how to choose high-quality hot soybean sauce, or to discuss cooperation opportunities, please feel free to contact us through the following methods:

  1. 官方网站: 临民调料网
  2. 客户服务热线: 86+16600676213
  3. 电子邮件: 13512904802@139.com

We are committed to providing the highest quality hot soybean sauce?products and considerate service, and look forward to exploring the world of gourmet food with you.

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