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Какой на вкус соевый соус?

Какой на вкус соевый соус?

Китайская кухня, славится своим богатым вкусом и разнообразными ингредиентами, занимает особое место в кулинарном мире. At the heart of many Chinese dishes lies soy sauce, a versatile condiment that adds depth, umami, and a touch of saltiness. This comprehensive guide...

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Is Teriyaki Sauce Chinese Or Japanese?

Is Teriyaki Sauce Chinese Or Japanese?

Соус Терияки: A Culinary Fusion Teriyaki sauce, derived from the Japanese words "teri" (shine) и "yaki" (grill), is a marinade and glaze used in Japanese cooking. It is typically made from soy sauce, mirin (sweet rice wine), sake, and sugar. The combination of...

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