LIMIN Seasoning diventa lo sponsor principale della ferrovia ad alta velocità di Tianjin: Unisciti per inaugurare un nuovo viaggio nel settore alimentare

aprile 29, 2024

Il 25 aprile, il treno ad alta velocità LIMIN Seasoning sponsorizzato da Tianjin LIMIN Seasoning è stato lanciato con successo alla stazione occidentale di Tianjin. Leveraging the influence of China’s high-speed rail as the “biglietto da visita della nazione”, the train aims to promote a philosophy of healthy and wonderful living to vast numbers of high-speed rail passengers, as well as to more families, helping LIMIN Seasoning guard the flavors and health on people’s dining tables. The main leaders of Tianjin LIMIN Seasoning Co., Ltd. gathered at Tianjin Western Station with regional customers and event guests to witness the grand commencement of the LIMIN Seasoning high-speed rail train sponsored in Tianjin.

LIMIN Seasoning diventa lo sponsor principale della ferrovia ad alta velocità di Tianjin

As a symbol of China’s modernization, high-speed rail not only represents speed and efficiency, but also quality and service. This is consistent with Tianjin LIMIN Seasoning’s core values. LIMIN Seasoning has always been committed to providing consumers with high-quality and healthy seasonings, and pursuing an extreme experience in service. Cooperating with high-speed rail is an important demonstration of LIMIN Seasoning’s brand philosophy. High-speed rail’s high-speed operation and wide coverage enable LIMIN Seasoning to quickly reach consumers all over the country, further expanding the brand’s influence and market share. High-speed rail’s punctuality, safety and reliability are consistent with LIMIN Seasoning’s high emphasis on product quality and food safety.

Tianjin LIMIN Seasoning Co., Ltd. is affiliated with the Tianjin Food Group. It inherits two traditional brands and is committed to research and innovation, grasping market opportunities, planning market layouts and expanding industrial chain construction. It continuously meets market demand, explores new marketing models, optimizes product structures, consolidates product quality and continuously delivers concepts of healthy diets and wonderful taste experiences to family customers, playing an exemplary role in promoting high-quality development of the industry. LIMIN Seasoning has always put product quality first. Through strict production processes and quality control, it ensures that each seasoning reaches the highest standard. This adherence and pursuit of quality resonates with high-speed rail’s tireless efforts for safety and reliability. In the future, Tianjin LIMIN Seasoning will continue to deepen cooperation with high-speed rail through more innovative activities and market strategies to further consolidate and expand its brand influence. The close connection between Tianjin LIMIN Seasoning and high-speed rail not only reflects in brand image and market expansion, but also in their shared pursuit of core values such as quality, service and innovation. This shared pursuit of values will bring more opportunities and space for development for both parties.

LIMIN Seasoning’s innovative exploration of high-speed rail media propagation channels not only shows its keen insight into market trends, but also its foresight and innovation in brand communication. Taking traditional garlic and chili sauce as the base, the cooperation helps LIMIN Seasoning’s new low-fat reduced-salt garlic and chili sauce improve market awareness. High-speed rail media creates a long-term, immersive and wrapping propagation scenario for it, with concise and prominent advertising content that constantly influences passengerssubconscious and allows the brand’s voice to penetrate more deeply into people’s hearts. This innovative way of propagation not only enhances the effect of advertising, but also injects new vitality and inspiration into the high-speed rail media propagation channel. The cooperation between LIMIN Seasoning and the branded high-speed rail train is not only a win-win situation in business, but also a resonance and inheritance of excellence quality. Every speeding of the high-speed rail train represents China’s excellent quality and infinite aspirations for the future; and every LIMIN Seasoning product conveys its reverence for food safety and persistence in pursuit of quality. This common pursuit of excellence brings the two parties into an even closer and deeper cooperation, also bringing consumers a more wonderful experience! Riding China’s high-speed rail, tasting China’s flavors!

Enjoying Life’s Delights, LIMIN is Always by Your Side.
For a Tasty Flavor, Choose Tianjin LIMIN Seasoning!