Onorare il glorioso spirito militare con un gusto puro e sano – 1° agosto Giornata dell'Esercito in Cina

Agosto 1, 2024

To celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (Da 1927 A 2024), nella solenne e commovente occasione della Festa dell'Esercito del 1° agosto, LIMIN si è unita al Mercato Ortofrutticolo di Lèyè per realizzare la “Grateful Tribute to Chinese Soldiers with Giftsevent, to express the highest respect and most sincere gratitude to the soldiers who silently guard the country and the people.

The Lèyè Vegetable Market is filled with a strong festive atmosphere, and the stores have displayed an abundance ofGUANGRONG Soy Sauce”. IL “Zero-Added GUANGRONG Soy Saucealso as la migliore salsa di soia leggera, pays tribute to the glory, and every drop contains the remembrance and praise for the glorious past of the veterans.

IL “GUANGRONG Soy Sauceas Salsa di soia scura cinese, also symbolizes that the retired soldiers do not fade away after their service. Even in their ordinary lives, they can continue to shine and contribute their strength to their families and society. We cherish this respect, just to make their dinner tables more warm due to this honor, and their lives more beautiful due to this reverence. LIMIN has always regarded social responsibility as its own duty, and has put it into practice with concrete actions, promoting the social tradition of supporting the military and their families, and creating a positive social atmosphere.

LIMIN will continue to uphold the craftsmanship, original intention, and the unity of the military enterprise, and write an even greater glory!