Heute, Ich möchte eine GUANGRONG Premium-Sojasauce aus schwarzen Bohnen empfehlen!

Apr 19, 2024

INGREDIENTS FOR GUANGRONG Premium Black Bean Brewed Soy Sauce

The ingredient list includes only drinking water, schwarze Bohnen, gerösteter Weizen, und Speisesalz;

Zusätzlich, Es enthält KEINE ZUSATZ von Süßungsmitteln, Farbstoffe, Konservierungsstoffe oder Geschmacksverstärker;

It is also brewed for a period of 210 Tage;

Benutzen 100% original ingredients.

To Make A Delicious And Satisfying Dry Green Beans With Stewed Pork Ribs (Lamb Ribs)

Follow these steps:

  • zuerst, Putting the lamb ribs in cold water and boiling;
  • Secondly, Skimming off any impurities that rise to the surface, and setting them aside;
  • Thirdly, Adding scallions and ginger and coloring the lamb ribs;
  • Then Adding the GUANGRONG brand Premium Black Bean Brewed Soy Sauce;
  • Fifthly, Placing the lamb ribs in a clay pot;
  • Sixth, Adding the dry green beans and pouring in hot water;
  • Finally, Simmering on low heat.

And there you have it, a delicious and satisfying dish of Dry Green Beans with Stewed Lamb Ribs is ready!

Trust in that you already love in this exquisite GUANGRONG Premium Schwarze Bohnen-Sojasauce, right?